

HEOS playlists can be created and accessed via the Playlist Source button and Playlist Viewer:

Playlist Viewer

To access an existing playlist, simply select the Playlist Source button and select the desired playlist. Clicking a playlist launchs the Playlist Viewer (depicted above) where the following functions are available:
Note - while the Playlist Viewer is open, it is not possible to select a different Source (the Source Selector is disabled). To close the Playlist Viewer, click the close button in the top right corner of the viewer.

  Edit Playlist Details

Within the playlist viewer, clicking on the playlist title will launch the Edit Playlist Details dialog:

Edit Playlist Details Dialog

In the current release, only the title may be updated. In a future release both a description and a custom image can be associated to the playlist (fields are disabled for now).

Clicking [Save] will save the updated playlist title. Clicking the close button , the [Cancel] button, or clicking anywhere outside the dialog will dismiss the dialog without saving changes.

  Play All Tracks

Selecting Play All Tracks will launch the Queue dialog:

Queue Dialog
  • Play Now - Inserts all playlist items into the queue after the currently playing track and plays the first item in the playlist immediately.

  • Play Now and Replace Queue - Clears the queue and all playlist items are inserted into the queue. The first item in the playlist is played immediately.

  • Play Next - Inserts all playlist items into the queue after the current song and plays the first item in the playlist when the current song ends.

  • Add to End of Queue - Adds all playlist items to the end of the queue.

Clicking the close button , the [Cancel] button, or clicking anywhere outside the dialog will dismiss the dialog.

  Delete Playlist

Selecting Delete Playlist will launch the Delete Playlist dialog:

Delete Playlist Dialog

Clicking [Delete] will delete the playlist - this action cannot be undone. Clicking the close button , the [Cancel] button, or clicking anywhere outside the dialog will dismiss the dialog without deleting the playlist.

  Play Track

Within the Playlist Viewer a single item may be selected to add to the queue (in a future release, multiple items will be selectable). Once selected, the option to Play becomes available:

Playlist Viewer - Item Selected
Clicking the Play button or double-clicking an item launches the Queue dialog:

Queue Dialog
  • Play Now - Inserts the item into the queue after the currently playing track and plays the selected item immediately.

  • Play Now and Replace Queue - Clears the queue and plays the selected item immediately.

  • Play Next - Inserts the item into the queue after the current song and plays it when the current song ends.

  • Add to End of Queue - Adds the item to the end of the queue.

Clicking the close button , the [Cancel] button, or clicking anywhere outside the dialog will dismiss the dialog.

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