What's New


2021 August 1

Another new release is available, 1.5.20012.0. Updates include:
  • Pandora stations can now be created using the app

  • Wikipedia implemenation added (experimental)

  • Fixed an issue where the user was unable to add a single track from an album to the queue

2021 July 27

Surprise! We just pushed a new release, 1.5.19270.0. Updates include:
  • Search added to sources that support it, such as Napster. To see search in action, check out the following video: How to Search

  • Minor bug fixes.

2021 July 15

We are getting a bit closer to a legitimate release - we appreciate everyone's patience!

In the meantime, we are providing another interim release, version 1.5.19150.0, that includes a couple of requested features and minor bug fixes, including (at a high level):
  • Partial Queue Management - This was one of the most requested features this last iteration. To access a player's queue, simply select the desired player/group and click the Queue button to launch the queue viewer.

  • Playlists - HEOS Playlists can now be accessed via the Playlist Source button . For more details see the Playlists help page.

  • Partial Napster Implementation - While Napster won't show up as a Source to select (yet!), it is now possible to select and play a HEOS Playlist that includes Napster tracks. Additionally, if a player/group Queue already includes Napster tracks, Spoke will load them correctly.

  • Hiding Unavailable Services - if a service, such as Pandora, has not been signed in to successfully by the user via the official HEOS app, that service will no longer show in Spoke's Source Selector.

  • Minor bug fixes.

2021 June 25
  • Added device reboot functionality (Settings > Devices).

  • Minor bug fixes.

2021 June 24
  • Added goup and ungroup all functionality.

  • Increased the size of volume slider thumb making it easier to "grab" when using touch devices.

  • Added current volume label to volume thumb.

  • Minor bug fixes.

* Content provided may be incomplete, inaccurate, and is subject to change. Please send questions and/or feedback to support@spokeaudio.com